Monday, October 27, 2014

Taking advice from stock marketers

Invest in google.
Invest in yahoo.
Invest to jc penny.

The other two company's i already invest in one. Then one company my friends lost all his money from so i will refuse to invest in Dave in busters.

Out all the company's i think net flex is the best witch I'm already invested in. Its been working really good for me. Ive made lots of money and helped me get in top 100ths in the stock market game.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Stock tips from the wolf

Dear fellow classmates

    Here is a few stock market tips from the wolf. If you don't wanna lose money. Then don't invest in Toyota. Its going down hill and the this guy aka me lost some money. So that's the reason why I'm not in first place. 

Toyota is a car dealer ship.

Company-  Toyota
Tickler- TM
Current price- $113.31
Sector- Cyclical Consumer Goods & Services >